Since I promised a few people that I'd make these gifs available, here's some nice animated gifs I found during my adventures on the internets! I'll put them behind a cut, since some of these files are quite big and I'm pretty sure most of you out there have seen them before.
The infamous 300 gif.
Just three well done B&W animated gifs.
BTW, Setsu-P, here's that Shoop Da Whoop I was talking earlier.
Actually, that one would make a good icon.
This one too.
Maybe this one too.
And finally, I leave you with the Dancing Vegeta!
Actually, before I go, I mentioned this to Dan, so I thought I'd share it here. The Rules of the Internets... at least according to 4chan.
Anyway time to go watch the Astros lose tonight! Oh well, at least I'll have a little commemorative statue of Jeff Bagwell to console me. Isn't that right Jeff Bagwell! Yes it is! Yush it is!