This lengthy post has been cut to preserve the sanity of those not interested in divination. Surprising number of people found the rune thing yesterday interesting, so I'm passing this along too.
I posted a few weeks ago that I ditched the ADF/Druid group because of personality conflicts and ... well... my high moral ground.
What I failed to post about in the interim was that several of us who have left reformed our own little group. There are three of us working together now, and though we still have no group name, the energies seem to be working positively together.
At Mabon, we did an interesting spread for the group from a book one of our members has called
"Tarot Shadow Work". The book questions, what is the nature of the Shadow? Being detached and able to look at your Shadow objectively is very important. The layout is of a five-pointed star with one card in the center:
Card one, Center of star- Denial - What negatives or positives do people point out to me that I have trouble accepting? What problems or conditions would you rather avoid? What is your blind spot?
Card two, Lower right - Anxiety - When or What makes me anxious? What makes me sensitive or touchy? What loss do I fear?
Card three, Upper right - Inferiority - When do I most lack confidence? What or Who makes me feel small and insignificant?
Card four, Top - Anger - What qualities in another person do I most dislike or have the most difficulty dealing with? Anger is fear in disguise and this card may cause the most discomfort. What is the source of your deepest anger?
Card five, upper left - Secrecy - What do I rarely talk about with others? What do I bury deep down inside? What don't I want anyone to find out?
Card six, lower left - Self-Loathing - What do I hate most about myself? How am I my own worst enemy? What do I need to forgive in myself?
The other spread I did this morning is a similar construct, but instead focuses on the shape of the body. This spread comes from
The Tarot Handbook (p. 261) This is called "The Path of Balance".
The first card is the head, indicating the current communication mode.
The second card (on the female side of the body), placed approximately where the left shoulder would be is self-esteem and intuiton.
The third card (left leg or hip) is emotional expression and ability to give and receive.
The fourth card is the right leg/hip, representing personal power, energy and leadership.
The fifth card, at the right shoulder, represents the inner teacher or lessons and opportunities within. The last card represents the feet, and indicates the quality of relationships.
I've been fascinated by both of these spreads and find them to be interesting ways to view someone as a whole. I'm working with my new
Tarot Art Nouveau deck (an Italian "Lo Scarabeo" deck) mostly, but I do have the
Thoth one with me as well.
Although I don't normally offer this, if anyone would like a spread done for themselves, tell me which one (the body spread or the star spread) and which deck (Thoth or Art Nouveau), and I'll do one for you. The catch is that I get to post them back in the form of a reply to your reply, so everyone gets to see. :)
Any takers?