Everything I Do: Butterflies (DCU Kiss Bingo Prompt)

Aug 17, 2010 11:49

Ffffff! Took far too long to get this done. >.> Stupid busy life! Hope everyone enjoys the new fic!

Title: Everything I Do: Butterflies
Author: me_ya_ri
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Jason/Tim
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be mine. Just playing with the characters.
Warning: Nothing much at all, not even swearing! Just tired boys kissing.
Word Count: Approx 1200 words
Kiss Bingo Prompt: greetings: good night
Summary: "No, that… looks like that's it," Tim said. He hesitated as he checked the monitors for any signs of trouble in Gotham. Manning the computers wasn't what he wanted to be doing but until he had a suit of his own he wasn't going to go out there for anything less that a world-beating emergency. Lately it had all been minor crimes, not disasters, thank goodness. Tim was still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Previous Series: The previous series starts here: Left Behind But Not For Long, and is followed by Out Of The Fire. Both series are fully linked all the way through.
Previous Parts: Prologue | Everything I Do: Archer | Lunch | Insomnia | Close Call | Nightmare | Observation | Surprise | New Leaf
Feedback: Comments (even if it’s just that you read) are much loved and concrit is much appreciated!
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