Sharing my Spam

May 16, 2004 12:11

Here you go--for all you guys' enjoyment.

Date: Sat, 15 May 2004 08:42:16 -0700
From: "BodyBucks"
Subject: Sell your body to science 05/15/04

Easiest $20k You'll Ever Make.

Donate your body to science and profit while you are still alive. It is incredibly easy. Get your money immediately and Enjoy Life!

That's right. You can make $20,000 per year by donating your body to science while you are still alive. You make the money now and help advance science. It is good for mankind and great for your wallet."

YEAH this is the best spam I've EVER had. Really. How funny is THIS?!

STILL no freaking scanner. BOOO!
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