Yes, there are roleplayers on Facebook for Bato and Hakoda. And they ship Bakoda like burning.(*cough*Imayormaynotbeoneofthem*coughcough*Bato*cough*) ANYWHOOSE, they really don't do much anymore (because Hakoda is hardly ever on, which makes me a sad panda-goose), but I thought I'd share some of the awesomeness that is FB!Bakoda.
FIRST, their accounts:
Bato Shtiya (Which I link to because Bato doesn't mind being stalked friended)
*Hakoda Amaroq (Which I don't link to because his account is set to private for various reasons)
(There's also a group for
Hakoda's Groupies, if anyone else wants to joins and rejoice in the sexiness that is Hakoda)
The story thus far:
Bato magically rejoined Hakoda (and the Gaang) at the WAT. Some sorta "YAY RESCUE" or something. It was really unclear (no really, this started out pre-finale and we weren't sure how the hell Bato wound up there. He just did.... HE'S MAGICAL. THE BATO IS MAGICAL.). He and Hakoda automatically went back to their prankster ways and decided to prank Zuko as an intiation. Yeah. We never actually got around to the prank before the finale so we kinda-sorta didn't and said we did. We're strange like that. ANYWHOOSE, Bato winds up having a discussion with Sokka after finding out he's engaged to Zuko:
Right..... *scratches the back of his head* So.... Yeah. It's true. *stressed expression* I should've told you! Sorry, Bato..Bato:
It's fine; I'm sure you would have eventually... And congratulations to you both. It's nice to be able to be with the one you love.
Eheheheh! Right! Thanks, Bato..
.....Do I detect a hint of longing in your voice? *peers at curiously*
Yeah. Bato eventually (read: a few replies later) gives a HUGE hint as to who it is and Sokka finally put 2 and 2 together and gets Hakoda. Sokka then proceeds to talk Bato into confessing his feelings to Hakoda.
Fast forward to the confession. Bato awkwardly starts the convo and mentions his feelings... and Hakoda plays dumb. He wanted to make sure there were no misunderstnadings (though I think he just wanted Bato to flat out say it. XD). They then are all "LOL WE'VE BEEN KEEPING THIS SECRET FOR NO REASON" and then they proceed to makeout. Whoo! But they only got to the making out part (Bato's still pinned to a tree >w>) before Hakoda sank into the dark pit of inactivity. Dammit.
HELLZ YEAH. (lol according to my tabs, Bato tops... >w> I swear it wasn't intentional.)
(note: I took this screencap on July 28th. JULY 28TH IS BAKODA DAY TO ME NOW.)
This is only a snippet of a conversation the pair had pre-relationship about Bato's... erm... feminine...ness (Valley-girl Bato, anyone?). The full thing can be read on
this photo (sorry, but you have to have a FB account). We also had an awkward conversation concerning
piggyback rides (most of the awkwardness came from mine and two of my friend's comments towards Bato, but Hakoda jumped in at the end. XD).
Okay, you wonderful people can go back to your regularly scheduled lives now. I've wasted enough of your time. XD
P.S. Speaking of RPing, I'm a member of
War of the Elements (an altered timeline AtLA rpboard [canon relationships for now, moving towards Zutara though, FYI]) and they want/need a Bato and Hakoda. I'm already Ty Lee (MAILEE FTW!!! 8D) and Jun, but I'll gladly take on Bato if I can find a Hakoda. *hinthintwinkwinknudgenudge* If ya know what I mean.