Welcome to Batscans_Daily!
Some of you are probably coming here from
scans_daily, and some from
b_wayne_daily, and a few more from
dailybatscans. And if you're not coming here straight from the former, you're probably wondering why this community exists and why the other two are now defunct.
Well, it's a funny story but apparently
cmer and I had roughly the same idea at roughly the same time: Batman needs his own community because regardless of how popular or iconic a character he is, let's face it: the man needs more love. So we independedtly made communities for the purpose. And then cmer poked me. And it was decided: we shall combine them into one... and it will be GLORIOUS!
Stuffs her inner Trekie back into the box.
...ahem. Sorry about that.
Anyway, I have no intention of making the very first post in this community break the rules... so... what could be more appropriate than Batman's origin story?
As pulled from Batman #1:

...and from The Hush TPB Volume 1: