Now, to all of you who have enough common sense to read the batshit-long app, this post is for you!
NOW THEN. One of the major abilities of most AIDA-ridden psychos is that they can infect others. This creates more AIDA-ridden psychos to go infect MORE people. Like any other viral disease. In symbiotes, this ability is more pronounced. In Ovan's case, he could seal people's minds into his third arm. In Sakaki's case, he had the ability to make small areas turn into contained AIDA servers.
In Atoli's case, she can mind control people like little puppets.
No fretting now! She's a good girl and intends to be nearly positive of her victory before actually kicking in the possession into full-gear. Not only that, the set-up for said total control falls under a very specific set of circumstances which all but render her defenseless.
But I like being prepared. ♥ For the most part, Atoli will just spike her delicious tea with her blood to kickstart it. Small untraceable amounts are all that's needed to meet the conditions for the control infection. Those under these minor conditions only suffer the partial emotion-warped qualities of the disease - it latches onto the innermost desire of a person and twists it to be a darker shadow of its former self. This little part will be up to the mun.
However in larger doses, it can give the same symptoms that the average infection does. Comatose, batshit psychos, black dots floating around the person, start ripping out their own throats, etc etc you know how it is with the crazies.
As I said above, this is just to be prepared. Perhaps in the future there may or may not be a situation where these abilities would crop up, say if she had to spike someone into a coma for a day just to wipe their memory enough to keep 'em quiet. Otherwise, she'll be nice innocent Atoli and will only go infecting random twerps if the mun decides to use it as a plot device, character development, et cetera. I just ask to fill out this short meme thingy so that if the shit does decide to hit the fan, we'll know where to draw the lines without having to hit up every mun individually.
And as a side note, she can also abuse illusions to go masquerading as other people. In this case other chars. So I'll add that on here too. ♥
Please to be filling this out in a comment, and have the RP you're in on the subject bar. Because the mun is a cheap whore in that when she gets a paid account she wants to be able to use it in multiple RPs.
[ ] Comatose
[ ] Infection
[ ] Total possession
[ ] Copy persona
Other relevant notes: [Write any other things you feel like writing here. You don't have to mention the "IM first" thing since I'd be doing it anyway, but if you want to go ahead.]
So cutpaste the form into a comment and add little X's inbetween the brackets if you're cool with the thing in question, kay? Kay. SANKYUU FOR YOUR TIME.
EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION: Infection = generic AIDA symptoms mentioned above. Possession = Only receive the PMS-y attitude, UNLESS Atoli sets off the higher function of turning you into a MEATPUPPET. You will be IMed in both cases either way.