Look. I know this is going to surfuckingprise a lot of you jokers, but in the Den o' Dec we don't watch a lot of what you'd call "news" on the telly.* So thankfully Rab caught this one on his radar and showed it to me today.
This is Brazil (duh). And this is Mr. Balls. Now I know what you're thinking, you're thinking: 'but Mitch, that's what your wife likes to call you because your balls are so massive, much like your wang.' I know, mates. But in this case, I am willing to share my name since this is Brazil's mascot to promote testicular cancer testing/research/etc with some of his adoring fans.
I think it goes by all decent human beings on the planet that I am ALL FOR testicular cancer, but I would like to point out the following disturbing things, in no particular order:
1. The look of rapture on that last little girl's face
2. The parent that told their daughter to cuddle up and pose with Mr Balls in the second shot
Honestly. I'd never ever think of wanting a photo of my child with something that (hilariously) vile and (amazing but) inapprops. But I am already on the phone trying to see if I can hire him out internationally for a party.
Diva got an arse-load of promo CD's from, I don't know, whereeverthefuck, and they're mostly shite save the 3-disc (WHO USES CD'S ANYMORE FOR RIZZLE?) anthology of 90's hits. It's the second best thing that's happened in this bedroom flat marriage. Even if I am totally jel-y that she just belted out Mariah's always be my baby to Rojn and not me.