I swear I'd update more if I possibly could. :(
Luke is cooing a lot (though I never really liked that word, I guess that's what it's called). He's extremely vocal, and has been from a really early age, apparently, according to those baby development bibles. I don't remember Jake being this vocal this early, I know he wasn't, and he's an
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Comments 11
(Okay, kidding. =) Sorry if I was among the masses who kept asking for photos. That's a damn cute baby you got there.)
I briefly pondered posting pictures of the car detritus, but...no. That sets a bad precedent for me actually continuing to post pics. ;) But I know there are bloggers who would do that! Haha, bloggers. That word sucks.
"Musician" is to "Guy on Subway Who Raps to Music in His Head"
(I tried to come up with more analogies, but drew a blank.)
"Musician" is to "Guy on Subway Who Raps to Music in His Head"
Yeah, that's gotta be worth a few geek points right there.
Also, it seems to me that you don't have to call it cooing...you could say babbling, or some other word perhaps. Cooing is a weird name for that, actually; it sounds like what birds do, not babies.
oh, he LOLed on his 3 month birthday, Monday, and has been doin it ever since. it is really cool.
omg i'm so tired. today....is a horrible day.
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