Title: Did You Say (Please Just Follow Me)
battie_hattieRating: Cash/Singer
Pairing: NC-17
POV: Third
Summary: So once upon a time, Cash and Alex went to high school together and were fail bots who wanted to grow up to be way cooler than they were (I know this sounds like real life, but seriously, it's not. Probably). Anyway, Alex really needs some
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Comments 29
I cannot possibly tell you how much this made me laugh. Seriously, I don't know if I can stop.
It also made me realize how terribly much I missed this. God, these two just fail so hard. I love them to death.
Loved it. Alex is awkward as hell and Cash is... there is no adequate word in the english language for his level of crazy.
(And the MTrench lyrics, yay!)
Either way, I was missing the Cab Babies and fic, so I got this one out of the way, and I have two more open and two more that I have to work on beyond that. My friends were out this weekend and we started outlining this EPIC Big Bang. And yeah. This is all probably more than you needed to know.
So, yay for liking it! I kind of like it myself. They make it so freaking easy! As long as I live in my own special Hattie land where no bad things happen.
(And YES! Yes that is. Dude, I feel like that song was the accidental theme of this story).
I am a fan of your special Hattie land. I wish everythign could still take place there.
(now that I think about it... yeah, it kind of is.)
But the Big Bang that sneaky_sena might have... that would have Cash as a jizz mop-er. AND THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY. I don't even know if I can say that, it's just so epic that I have to say it.
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And I was calling you to flail about the fail!!!!!!
The Shame is strong in this one. Just like it is all over your face.
My favorite, though, just so you know, is Cash leaving Alex the message about fucking his ass and Alex texting him back asking if Cash was threatening to rape him. That was so much SHAME!
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