So me and
arlo_arleh saw Speed Racer recently and absolutely fell in love with our slash goggle pairing of choice, Speed x Taejo because who can resists Rainnnnn?
Being me, I pushed Arleh to draw me fanart for it, and being HER, she's too lazy to actually colour any of the awesome fanart she draws, and therefore what resulted is the new Battle Arleh Productions project:
Fandom: Speed Racer
Title: Let Me
Pairing: Speed x Taejo
Rating: PG
Line Drawing by
arlo_arlehColouring by
alita_b_angel Alita's Notes: I had a hell of a time colouring this but I am EVER SO PROUD. Stupid Arleh and her tiny corners on the dragon making it hellish to colour it. This is probably the first BRIGHT piece of art I've coloured, everything else ends up super dark for some reason. I love this piece of art to death though, took me around 6 hours to finish it on Gimpshop.
Original Line Art:
Coloured Masterpiece!