Name: Stanley Chan
Age: 17
Location: BC, Canada
Favourite Battle Royale character and why: It changes very often, at first it was Yuko/Hiroki for sheer characterization. At one point it was Izumi and Mitsuru for their relationship in the film, how Mitsuru threw himself in front of her was just so sweet. Another point was Chisato when she blew up at the lighthouse scene. Now I really like Sakura and Yumiko for the things they believe in, how Yumiko was hopeful with Yukiko and how Sakura chose to die with Yamamoto.
Least favourite Battle Royale character and why: Niida/Ryuhei. Never found them my liking. I do not like Yukie, Mizuho or Keita, or Seto or Yoji... the list goes on...
Are you...
Outgoing or shy?: Definately shy, you won't hear me talking much unless I'm forced to talk. I like being shy, cute =]
Quiet or loud?: Quiet, but I can get really loud when I squeal and my voice goes really high.
Leader or follower?: Follower. Why lead when its so scary and loud... and people are looking at you.
Bitchy or friendly?: Friendly to people I don't know, bitchy to people I'm close with. I fluctuate, I can be super bitchy... in other words, friends describe me as I'm always on my PMS mode and I tend to mood swing.
Impulsive or rational?: Rational with touches of impulsiveness when provoked (ie, pinching, patting head)
Easily angered or calm?: Calm... I hold it in and bitch with my friends later. Angered if people make fun of very personal issues (who do you like who do you like...)
Clever or not?: Arrogant-much, I wouldn't say I'm stupid but I'm definately not sly-kinda clever. Somewhat I think. Definately not guillible and foolish if I may add.
In a group or alone?: Doesn't matter, it depends on how I feel. Usually I prefer solitare.
Optimistic and cheerful, or pessimistic and glum?: Random survey reported me as pessimistic... >.< , which I admit is true.
What are your best qualities?: Friendly to strangers. Not a threat when it comes to killing (or so it seems). Hilarious squealy girly guy. Can read people's thoughts by looking at them =]
What are your worst qualities?: A bitch if I'm in the wrong mood. People can't see what I'm thinking (except for my best friend). OVERLY sarcastic. Will not trust friends, especially my best friend cuz I know he will be playing.
What's your greatest fear? Anything that moves, crawls, or makes a sound that is not a human/pet.
In your group of friends, where do you stand? (i.e funny guy, motherly character, leader, etc. Fatherly character... I tend to nag quite a bit... but its not my fault when I see someone walking to close to the street or someone has their shirt on backwards.
In depth
In real life, how would you like to die?: Painless... something without bloodloss is highly preferred.
Would you 'play'?: Play to help advance the person I like, ultimately wanting the person to win.
What weapon would you like to be assigned?: A pretty gun!!
If you were to find yourself in a Battle Royale situation, what three items would you like to have with you? (excluding weapons here!): My music, pictures of classmates (very Megumi-like, I know...), An extra flashlight (I hate the dark)
What do you think your strategy would be? (find friends, hide, kill everyone, etc): Hide and kill, hide and kill, repeat and repeat pattern. Try to fly under the radar.
If you found someone that was injured, and they were alone, would you help them? Would you 'put them out of their misery'?: Depends who it is... friend I would try to save them. Foe I would empty the bullets of my gun into their gut.
Please post at least three decent-sized images of yourself.
I prefer not... >.<