This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Backtagging: Perfectly fine!
Threadhopping: Haha, yes. To your heart's content, yes. Go ahead and threadhop anywhere you want in Jin's posts he'll probably return the favor at some point AHEM
Fourthwalling: I'd prefer not.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm pretty much impossible to offend. If something comes up, I'll deal.
This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Hugging this character: Go for it! Depending on who's doing the hugging, his reactions will range from immediately slinging an arm around the hugger in return, to staggering around in surprise before proceeding to hug them back anyway. If he doesn't know the person, there may be some irritation, but nothing more. I just...wouldn't recommend surprising him too badly. At all.
Kissing this character: That would be hilarious, do it. His reactions will range again from irritation to shock to "sure, why not?"
Flirting with this character: You mean if it doesn't go right over the top of his head? I don't mind, just don't expect much by way of a serious response. He'll probably laugh it off.
Fighting with this character: Make his day. No, seriously. He'll end up going crazy if he doesn't have someone to fight with every now and then. Just be warned that Jin is a master with over a hundred years of training and experience. Fighting is his job, his life, and his extra curricular activity, and he wouldn't have been trained up as an order-keeper of the demon realm if he wasn't good at it. Injuries are pretty much a guarantee unless it's made very, very clear that it's just a spar or something. Verbal fighting's okay too, just don't expect Jin to react much unless he's already irritated. He's very laid back that way.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Talk to me about it so I know what's going on, but yeah, sure. I don't really have any limits.
Killing this character: Route_29 renders this null and void.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: SURE WHY NOT. His mind's pretty much an open book. There will be some places - memories and information and such - that would be pretty well guarded but not many, and it's a safe bet that he was trained to hide/shield himself so he wouldn't alert any telepaths that they had shinobi on their tail, but pffft, why keep that up when he's not on the job, right?
Warnings: Ummm. Jin's kind of tactless. He's not trying to be mean, but he's honest in a brutal sort of way and doesn't see any reason to change that. And he has a dirty mouth. He's not throwing "fuck" in every other word, but still.
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