So, grappling from building to building under the cover of night again. She was making a weekly habit of this, if not nightly; staying in practice was important
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Blossom was just heading for a short trip into Baltimore, honest. No need to call for back-up, or anything unless she actually found something, right?
So then why was the sight of that UNMISTAKABLE costume on the warehouse roof she just flew over making her feel guilty? She sighed and slowed, circling back and landing behind...
"You don't say," Robin answered, amused by the reaction. She could get used to people saying that like it wasn't a bad thing. "Let me guess. You've met one of the other ones?"
Comments 78
So then why was the sight of that UNMISTAKABLE costume on the warehouse roof she just flew over making her feel guilty? She sighed and slowed, circling back and landing behind...
"..." Uhm. That wasn't Red or Robin.
Said giant head of blonde hair whipped around, followed by the rest of her.
"Sheesh! Does everybody on this island make a habit out of this?"
"You're a girl." Yes, that was obvious, but bear with her, she had a point to make. "You're a girl!"
Okay, so that was her point.
It was a good point to make!
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