There's got to be a morning after
Word Count: 145,000
In canon universe story where Arthur & Eames work through the items on Eames' sex bucket list. WIP is now complete.
Prologue: The Man with the Golden Gun Chapter 1: One Headlight Chapter 2: Ice, Ice, Baby Chapter 3: WaterfallsChapter 4: Time After Time Chapter 5: All Night Long Chapter 6: Hold My Hand Chapter 7: Dude Looks Like a Lady Chapter 8: American Boy Chapter 9: Hound Dog Chapter 10: The Animal Song Epilogue: Where No Man has Gone Before
Coda: May I have the Next Dream with You Coda: War & Peace Coda: Avoid the Pork Coda: Long Con Coda: Homecoming Coda: Put the Kettle On Author's Notes:
This is an embarassingly overdue gift fic for
chibi_lurrel that started out with a basic concept and turned into a long, sprawling WIP instead.
I should also note that even though this story will feature a happy ending, it's not what I'd call a conventional romance with conventionally likable romantic heroes. And even though it will feature a lot of kinky sex, it's not really a story about sex, either. A third note: this is not a dark story, but it's also not a feel-good sexy-funtimes story. Reading with that expectation will likely lead to disappointment.
Thanks to:
akalillyn &
laria_gwyn &
starlingthefool &
letangerine for support and beta work. Also to
fififolle for Brit-picking.
Fantastic art
here and
here and
here inspired by this story by