Spreading Holiday Cheer Dean/Castiel Commentfic Meme
What it is: A low-key commentfic meme where everyone gets to post Dean/Castiel (or Jensen/Misha) prompts they'd like to see a commentfic about, and people comment back with ficlets fulfilling those wishes in the spirit of the holidays. A sort of un-Secret Santa, if you will (though I suppose
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Dean stumbled out of the house, eyes sticky with sleep. He'd planned on sleeping in late, a luxury he was not going to get used to ever. He had, in fact, planned on sleeping in late with a distinctly Cas-shaped bundle of warmth pressed close to his own body, the other's stiff black hair poking out from under the blankets and tickling Dean's nose. That there was instead a Cas-shaped absence on the bed was the sole reason Dean bothered to step outside at all. It was colder than the proverbial witch's tit, for one thing, and he was an old man; he could probably hear his joints creaking if the sound of blood pounding in his ears wasn't a constant reminder of how lucky he was, how ferociously happy to just be alive, inhabiting himself wholly.
Dean hadn't dared to hope - hadn't dared to imagine.
Another one of those things he'd have to get used to.
He was led to Castiel not, for once, by a nuance of silence or a muted ruffle of intangible wings, but by the sheer fucking noiseThe ( ... )
Or, not so much a monument, because Castiel was absurdly free of tell-tale stains. They were circling him, flitting from top of head to right shoulder to left palm and settling on the pebbles Dean had planted in the bath. And Cas?
He looked... he looked so damn adorable. Dean was not immune to this fact about his angel. If Castiel could break his heart just by being an immensely fucking brave person, and look every inch the otherworldly being he actually was in the moments when the light hit his eyes a particular way or when he tried to teach Dean Farsi while chopping tomatoes - ifCastiel was as much tiger and hawk as he was Dean's life partnerIt ( ... )
that is incredibly cute!!!!
Oh my god. What is this feeling? Is this joy?
As cute as this is, it feels grounded to me, less like a flight of fancy than like something that might conceivably happen if only the universe of Supernatural were less relentlessly cruel to everyone in it, and I guess it's because Dean is as fucked up and as uncertain about his suitability for a relationship as he has every right to be.
Thank you!
:hugs: thanks bebe!
Maybe my favorite bit is that Dean decides not to just buy Cas something, and instead heads out to build a bird bath. Because Cas doesn't really need a pair of gloves and would much rather sit out and watch birds, and I love that Dean knows that.
Thanks for sharing!
Without even knowing that he knows!
:smushes them:
Thanks so much :]
I've been thinking that our own lives aren't always clear-cut narratives of happiness and contentment, either, but we learn to take our moments when we can, no? :p
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