Spreading Holiday Cheer Dean/Castiel Commentfic Meme
What it is: A low-key commentfic meme where everyone gets to post Dean/Castiel (or Jensen/Misha) prompts they'd like to see a commentfic about, and people comment back with ficlets fulfilling those wishes in the spirit of the holidays. A sort of un-Secret Santa, if you will (though I suppose
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This is where everything in the ficlet came into focus. Nicely done, I could almost see it happening in an episode as a 'bromance' moment between Dean and Castiel (and of course, 'romance' for us slashers!).
“Is there any particular reason you picked this one? I'd have thought you'd have wanted to go to Midnight Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral or something.” He glanced over his shoulder and up at the choir loft and then scanned across to the other stained glass windows.
I especially LOVED this, because I wear a stained-glass window pendant from Notre Dame all the time, and ever since getting into this fandom I dorkishly pretend it's a talisman or something. Heh. So, yes, so much Christmassy awesome.
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