therealljidol Season 10, week 9 "The Trolley Problem"
Feb 21, 2017 10:30
Telephones are not my friend. They actually were my foe 2 years ago and it’s taken me a while to not jump when either my landline or cell rings
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*Hugs* Good decision for everyone involved.Elderly parents do get on your nerves as time passes and they refuse to see logic, we call it the 'second childhood' here.
My mother's behavior was just an increase in her normal behavior. No one, I mean NO ONE, could tell her anything! I know it sounds as though I'm exaggerating but anyone who knew her would just shake their heads. Thanks so much for reading! Smile.
My mother and I are trying to convince my little brother, who has a serious heart condition, to hire someone to help him around the house with cleaning and cooking, but he won't. He wants to hold onto his independence.
This has resulted in my mother flying from Pennsylvania to Toronto four times since August to help him with grocery shopping and cooking and doctors visits. I keep telling her not to go, but he's her only son, so she keeps saving him.
It's such a tough choice to make, especially when the people/person you're making it for isn't accepting of their needs for help.
Right now, my brother is refusing any help besides what my mother gives him. Soon though, I have a feeling we'll be in a similar situation as you were with your mother where he's not going to have a choice.
Maybe because I've had a disability all my life, and work in the field, but I can't comprehend the refusal to accept help. i can understand the need for independence. I totally get that. i'm fiercely independent. But when help is needed I accept it. People can remain independent with supports and there is nothing wrong with that. It's admitting limitations that can relieve a whole lot of stress. i feel badly for your mother. She is actually enabling your brother which isn't healthy for her or him. Sigh. Hugs and I totally get the situation! Hopefully he will realize he needs assistance soon!
He's on the autism spectrum, so I think that likely has something to do with it. Unless you spent a lot of time with him, you'd never know, but he's got some issues.
He has a PhD in theoretical physics. He could add into the BILLIONS in his head when he was four years old.
He likes things a certain way, and whenever anything challenges that certain way, he gets very upset. My mother knows exactly how he likes things, so he prefers she hop on an international flight every few months to help him cook meals for a few weeks.
It stinks that your other family members were unwilling to help you with this situation. I am glad that you found peace with the decision you had to make.
Comments 29
My own parents put me through it too.
{{{Hugs you}}}
This has resulted in my mother flying from Pennsylvania to Toronto four times since August to help him with grocery shopping and cooking and doctors visits. I keep telling her not to go, but he's her only son, so she keeps saving him.
It's such a tough choice to make, especially when the people/person you're making it for isn't accepting of their needs for help.
Right now, my brother is refusing any help besides what my mother gives him. Soon though, I have a feeling we'll be in a similar situation as you were with your mother where he's not going to have a choice.
He has a PhD in theoretical physics. He could add into the BILLIONS in his head when he was four years old.
He likes things a certain way, and whenever anything challenges that certain way, he gets very upset. My mother knows exactly how he likes things, so he prefers she hop on an international flight every few months to help him cook meals for a few weeks.
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