Name: Katie
Age: Sixteen
Links to 3 Applications: There were only two:
one and
Describe your personality: I'm really quirky. I stand strong with my beliefs and defend them when people question them. I voice my opinion whenever it's needed, but at many times I'm left being as quiet as a mouse. I have a very strong sense of humor and I use it quite often whenever a situation is awkward. I'm a dreamer and I spend a lot of my time with my thoughts far off. I care far more about people and their feelings then an average sane person would. I am very stubborn and sarcastic. I'm a surprisingly humble person. I don't think of myself as the best at everything and anything and I'm usually surprised when I get a compliment for something. I'm also a hopeless romantic.
Postive and negative traits you have:
Positive: Optimistic, bold, affectionate, witty, artistic, and passionate.
Negative: Stubborn, sarcastic, obnoxious, loud, impatient, and perfectionist.
What do you consider to be some of your worst fears? Loosing someone I love, falling to my death, spiders, and being hurt by someone I love.
Colour- Red
Movies- Some Like It Hot, Milk, Pineapple Express, Love Actually, Sabrina, and Superbad.
Music- I'll pretty much listen to anything. I'm not picky about my music.
Food- Italian, French, and Chinese cuisine is lovely.
Love or Hate: Love, I am extremely loving.
Determined or Accepting: Determined
Making your own Destiny or Accepting Fate: Making my own destiny
Brave or Safe: Brave
Pacifist or Tempermental: I'm generally a pacifist, but I can be quite tempermental when called for.
Quiet or outspoken? Outspoken
Forgiving or vengeful? Forgiving.
Leader or follower? Leader.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? London
Anything else you'd like to add? Thank you so much for voting
Post a picture of yourself, if you have one and are comfortable doing this. If not, just describe yourself: