Where I tell you all about my amazing trip to see David Tennant. :D At least, it should be, but I will definitely go off topic at some point. :)
Well. Firstly, when he came on stage, my friend and I giggled. He was like lying down with a hat over his face and wearing tights so that was funny.
And we were like 'OMG TENNANT'. Because we're that cool. [at first i didn't realise it was him...lol...]
And then yeah the play started but we were too busy staring at David to notice anything. I can remember he was very funny though. The best bit of the beginning was where he threw his hat onto the tree...well, he missed, and then he looked at the audience cause we were laughing and did that thing. That thing where he kinda tilts his head and clicks his tongue...sorta. Anyway.
It was a really funny play. And David was amazing. Especially in a tree.
The best bit of all of it? Hard to say. Either the Russian bit [complete with terrible accents. Argh, you don't know what funny is until you have heard David doing a fake Russian accent] or the bit where all these guys are like hiding from each other and then they start having an arguement and say that they are all hypocrites and then they go 'What would Berowne say if he were here?' and then he like raises his eyebrows in the tree and jumps down. And later he eats paper. Haaa.
Yeah. It was awesome. But we got back really late. It was worth it.
Didn't get anything signed but we went around the back but because we were really short we couldn't wave our programmes at him. We were like 3ft away from him though. And even though everyone was shouting like 'OMG YOU WERE AMAZING DAVID!' 'I LOVE YOU DAVID!' he was really polite saying like 'Thank you' to everyone. Aww. :)
So. Yeah.
My birthday is in two days! I'm sooo excited. :D