Oshitari Kenya's Route, Tennis no Ouji-sama: Gyutto! Doki Doki Survival Umi to Yama no Love Passion

Apr 28, 2012 21:08


- he calls the heroine by her last name without an honorfic (and he says it very often, which is kind of awesome since he can actually say it, unlike someone I know)
- hearing him say his "No speed, no life" motto
- listening to him talk about his cousin Yuushi and his kouhai Hikaru
- whenever he and Yuushi interact
- hearing him and the others call him the "Speed Star"
- seeing him play a card game with the rest of the Shitenhouji members and winning it
- having him ask the heroine to pick one of the cards, during the card game, which could result him a win, a loss, or possibly a tie (I think)
- instead of the heroine waking him up, he wakes the heroine up
- he calls the heroine by her first name later on, without an honorfic (and he can actually say it, although he emphasizes it too much in my opinion)
- when he tries to be nonchalant about the whole first name basis thing
- during the walk to the lake, he stutters, tries to change topics, and laughs so hard about it (I can't help but find it really cute)
- says OK in English when he confirms the heroine's answer (if it's alright with her if he called her by her first name)
- when the heroine runs away after seeing a skeleton in the abandoned hospital, he runs after her and later carries her (bridal style)
- his hair (I've noticed that the artist put a lot more effort when it comes to his CGs)
- in the touching game, he really likes it if you point out his hair, and he's fine with you pointing at his face (but when you touch his lips, he says something to do with doki doki, so maybe he's saying something like "When you do that my heart races"?)

- he isn't very romantic or into you until after the incident where you rush into his chest
- he is a pretty friendly, casual guy who treats the heroine like a bro (in my opinion, until he starts realizing that he has feelings for her)
- Chitose telling the heroine "good luck" and she doesn't understand why (I don't understand myself, but I think it may have to do with Kenya's slowness?)
- replaying his route (I had to replay his route again, because I didn't get his ending and got rejected instead)
- his voice can be pretty loud, especially whenever he's excited or riled up (unlike Chitose's and Yuushi's)

gyutto! doki doki survival, dating simulation, nds, dating sim, spoiler, review, nintendo ds, otome games, umi to yama no love passion, prince of tennis, gxb, tennis no oujisama, route

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