Title: Something Soothing About It
Author: bballgirl3022
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: None
Warnings: AU, Wing fic
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural or make money from this fanfiction.
Summary: There is something soothing about grooming Castiel’s wings.
Word Count: 118
Notes: Written for prompt Dean/Castiel, there is something calming about grooming Cas’ wings.
Thanks to
moonofblindness for the beta work. All other mistakes are my own.
Something Soothing About It
It was easy to get lost in the simple repetitive motion of grooming. The easy slide of his fingers through the feathers was extremely calming to Dean.
He wasn’t exactly sure what about why he found it that way.
It might be the familiarity of running his hands thought the feathery appendages.
Or the closeness it allows him to feel toward his mate.
It might be because Dean has an inborn need to take care of people and this is just another way to do that.
Or it could be the giant puddle of contented goo that Castiel turned into when Dean groomed him.
Whatever the reason was, Dean would always enjoy this alone time with his mate.