Rules and Info:

Aug 27, 2010 15:39

BBC Multifandom Prompt Fest

This is a prompt fest based on multiple BBC fandoms with songs as prompts. The prompts will be open to the characters of the specified shows for each round as well as the cast.

The fest is open to fanfiction as well as art. The art permitted will be graphic art, line art, illustrations, fanvids, headers, banners and/or icons.


  • Prompting will start on the 8th of September and run through until the 21st.

  • Claiming will start on the 22nd of September and run through until the 16th of November.
  • Submissions will be due on the 30th of November.
  • Posting will start on the 8th of December.


All prompts will be posted anonymously. All fics/art will be posted anonymously. The names of prompter and filler will be revealed (most likely within a week of the submissions being completed) unless otherwise requested - either when submitting a prompt or fill.

Even though the prompts and fills will be anonymous, we will not be allowing anonymous commenting. You MUST be logged in to prompt or to comment to a fill.

We also request that all submitted pieces be new and not recycled and that they are not posted outside of the community until after the reveals are posted.


This is NOT an exchange fest. While it would be lovely for anyone making a prompt to also claim one, it is NOT mandatory.

Each person may make a maximum of 3 prompts. So please consider which song you'd like to base it on carefully instead of just randomly picking whatever tune is either stuck in your head or on the radio as you prompt.

The prompts will be a song and preferred fandom(s):
  • You can request a pairing preference - slash/het.
  • You are allowed to request no crossovers.
  • You are allowed to request a rating preference.
  • You are NOT allowed to request specific pairings - ie; Gwen/Arthur, Sherlock/John.
  • You are allowed to request your preferred fill medium - ie; fanfic, art, etc.

When the prompt post is opened - there will be an available form to c/p and fill. More on the specifics of prompting will be posted then.


The prompt can be claimed one time for each fandom requested. ie; if someone prompts - “Florence and the Machine - Howl”, Being Human, Sherlock, Torchwood - that prompt can be chosen 3 times per medium; once per fandom.

When it comes to crossover fills, the filler must pick one of the fandoms they are using to claim it under. If you claim a prompt that does not have a specific crossover requested and you chose to cross it over with another of the specified fandoms - you must chose which one you are claiming it under; that way you leave at least one of the fandoms open to be claimed.

You must complete a prompt before you can claim another one. This includes having it beta'd.

Re: Fiction -
  • Your submission should be a minimum of 1000 words.
  • All submissions must also be beta'd for sp and grammar. Brit-picking is NOT necessary, but considering you will be writing for British fandoms - it seems proper to beta with that in mind as well.
  • Mods will not be responsible for any/all uncaught errors in your fics. The only thing we will contact you about regarding it is possible formatting errors. ie; italic tags that have not been closed and the mod is uncertain as to whether the submitter intended large areas of italic.
  • Submissions must be in .doc or .txt formats. It must come complete with all LJ (HTML) coding, such as bold, italic, centered. Appropriate warnings are required in the header info.

Re: Art -
  • Art submissions will also fall under the new/non-recycled category. Pieces should not be part of a series.


This is NOT a porn fest. While NC-17 is certainly welcome, it is not necessary. If you feel like prompting or writing a G or PG story, please feel free.

There is to be absolutely NO bashing of any fandom, pairing or song. Likewise, there will be NO bashing of submitted prompts or fills. Discussions and civilly polite conversations are perfectly acceptable. Being derogatory towards someone’s prompt or fill will not be tolerated and the offending member(s) will be kicked and banned.

If you find you can’t fill the prompt you claimed, please let the mods know so that the prompt can be uncrossed and made available for anyone else wanting it. No one will get mad if RL gets in the way.

Re: Affiliates:
If you'd like to be an affiliate to this fest, please feel free to comment to this post or PM a mod.

Re: Pimping:
A pimp banner has been made by the lovely syrosis.
You can find it here.

Re: Questions/Comments:
That's what mods are for. Please feel free to msg the mods regarding any/all questions you have about the fest.

!rules and guidelines, !modpost

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