*sigh* Silly people. To bold, you simply put (b)- but replace the () with <>. To stop bolding, put (/b), once again replacing () with <>. (If I were to do it out, then it wouldn't show up.)
And there's an awesome thing called a livejournal cut- it eliminates huge entries so they don't kill friends pages. It's (lj-cut text="what ever you want), end with (/lj-cut). Have fun!
Comments 3
what was that all about? tory and i couldn't figure it out at all
To find more crazy stuff, you can go here http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=72, or just go to the FAQ page, http://www.livejournal.com/support/faq.bml).
And there's an awesome thing called a livejournal cut- it eliminates huge entries so they don't kill friends pages. It's (lj-cut text="what ever you want), end with (/lj-cut). Have fun!
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