В Доме Ученых играет
СП Бабай (большой критик матвиенки, вроде; билет 400руб). А что сейчас вообще бывает в Доме Ученых ?
Математики там собираются раз в полгода вечером; летом была
конференция -- но для философов.
Есть ли там библиотека, и что за библиотека. Что в Доме Ученых
снимает место какая-то турфирма, я вроде знаю.
The average woman must inevitably view her actual husband with a certain
disdain; he is anything but her ideal. In consequence, she cannot help
feeling that her children are cruelly handicapped by the fact that he is
their father.
-- H. L. Mencken
"I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs."
-- H. L. Mencken
The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age
brings wisdom.
-- H. L. Mencken
The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly
greater than that of any other animals. Some of their most esteemed
inventions have no other apparent purpose, for example, the dinner party
of more than two, the epic poem, and the science of metaphysics.
-- H. L. Mencken
For every problem there is one solution which is simple, neat, and wrong.
-- H. L. Mencken
If your thesis is utterly vacuous,
Employ first-order predicate calculus.
With sufficient formality,
The sheerest banality,
Will be hailed by all as miraculous!
581 different words of my new maths text :
a about above acceptance according
accumalation accustomed achieve adapted add admit admitting
Aged aim albeit algebraic Alice all allows almost also alteration alters although
amalgamation among an analog analogy analyse and another any Apparently appear applied
apply approximated apt are argue argument arguments as associated associates assume
assumption at attempt Aut author avoid Axiom axioms basic be Because begin behind being
belief beliefs believe below bends boring
both bred built but by calculating
call called calls can cannot captures cardinality carries carry carrying
case categorical categories category chain Characterise characterize check circuits class classes closed closure cofibration cofibrations colimit colimits collection collections comes coming
commutative composition concerning
condition consequence consider consisting
construction constructions contain contained containing
contains contemporaries contractible coproduct corrected could countable countably created crystallizes curious decompose decomposition decreasing
contains contemporaries contractible coproduct corrected could countable countably created crystallizes curious decompose decomposition decreasing
define defined definition definitions denote describe described description determine develop developing
diagramme did direct discourse discrete distinguish distinguished do does draw draweth dream each easy edit either elementary elements embeds end endofunctor endofunctors ensure enters entirely equally equivalence equivalences equivalent essential essentially establishes even every evidence excellent exist exists explain express extend fabric factor factored faculties families family far feel fibered fibrations find finer finite finitely first fit fix fixed flabby flexibility follow following
follows for forget form formalism forming
forms framework from functions functor functorial further game general geometric geometrical get give go goal grasp Gromov had hand happen hard have he head height highly his hold holds Homopical Homotopical homotopies homotopy hope how Human I ideas if iff immediate implied implies important in inclusions induction indulge infer infinite infused Inquiry intersections into Introduction intuitions is isomorphic isomorphism it items its just K Knight know L lack language large least Lemma less let life lifting
lifts likely limit limited limits little logical long looking
looks love LyX M M1 M_1 M2 M_2 M3 M_3 M4 M6 made main make man many maps mathematics matters may mean meaningfully means meant measured member members M_i might model more morphism morphisms most motivate motivation Motivations much multivalued N name namely names nature neatly necessary need needed neighborhoods never nice no not Notation notations Note notice notion notions Now object objects of on one only or order ordered orthogonality other ought our ourselves out pair pairs paper paragraph Paraphrasing
partial particular perhaps permit phenomena philosophize physical plasticity point points poker poor poset possessing
possible pour predispose prefer presenting
processes product profession profound proof proofs proper properties property prove provide provided purpose Questions quite quote rather real really reasoning
recently recover relating
relation relationships remover rephrase representations required result reveal right rigid rules said same satisfies satisfying
says scientific seafaring
section see seems seen sequence set sets should show showing
side similar similarly simply single skip slightly smaller so some something
says scientific seafaring
section see seems seen sequence set sets should show showing
side similar similarly simply single skip slightly smaller so some something
somewhat song source space spaces speculations spell spelling
split stability staple star state statements still strictly structure structureless stupid subcategory subset subsets substantiate such suffice sufficient suggests suitable surjective symmetric symmetry t take taken takes talk techniques tempests tempting
terms than that the their them then theory there therefore these they things think thinking
third this Thomas those thread three thus to too topological topology totality transitivity triples trivial true try trying
two type U understand understanding
uniform union unique unit universality unless up upon us use useful using
usually various verbosity very via view wandering
want way we weak weakly well were what when where whether which Whose will wishful with Without witnesses witnessing
wonder would wrt Y yet you