U-Um...Mr England?
Yes, Flora?
What...number should this dial be on? Th-they're all such big numbers, and...
Oh, well, since it's pudding, it should obviously be at the highest number. Trust me, I've done this quite a many times.
O-Oh! Alright, then!
So, let's just put this to the highest and--
Put the pudding in!
...Though, y-you should do that part.
Well, certainly. But why is that?
Oh, well...I-I might spill it or... or break something...
Nonsense. But a little spill every now and then isn't too bad. I mean, what could go so horribly wrong with this delicious pudding?
well, nothing, I suppose, but...
So let's just pop this in and turn it on. Don't worry, it'll definitely go well this time!
[One of them ends up putting the pudding in the oven, though from over the phone you can't really tell who.
And for a while it's relatively silent. You can probably hear some idle chit-chat, and the clinking of cups as they drink tea or eat scones (Yes, Flora is eating the scones.). Though...something seems a bit off.
...Is that smoke?]
U-Um...Mr England?
Yes, Flora?
What's that smell...?
J... Just delicious pudding. It's not like it smells like smoke or burning food or anything stupid like that.
A-Are you--[And suddenly, there's an odd bubbling, sizzling sound. Yea, that can't be a good thing. Ever]
... Delicious pudding.
O-of course...............A-Ah!
What is it?
Oh, bloody hell--
[Someone falls from a chair loudly. It's probably Flora, considering the very girly "EEP!" that goes with it.]
I-it's fine, it'll be all right, it's just a little fire that's--that's spreading, but that's fine, just a little--all right, it's in half the kitchen, but that's-- oh, bloody hell.
Wh-what do we do!? It's...It...what if your house b-burns down!?
... Smoke detectors might have been helpful. But, I'm sure, it's... it's fine, and... th-the pudding will only be a little burnt.
but...the k-kitchen...O-Oh dear, I'm so sorry, I should have listened better
... You did everything right. Now, let's put out this fire, and--I'm sure the pudding will still be delicoius--right?
Y-You're a great chef, so...I'm sure it'll be perfect! s-somehow.
((ooc: SO. This is what happens when two of Mayfields greatest chefs get together and decide to cook.Yes, that's right. They set fire to the kitchen. The whole fiasco is taking place in England's kitchen, so...yea. 8|a
The threading order will be: Your character - Flora - England. Unless scarfle runs off to study study study, of course))