Title: Hero (2/2)
Rating: G
Pairing: Homin
Genre: AU; Ironman
Summary: Having a super genius best friend isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s even harder when you have a crush on them. It's even harder when they build you a super suit that could easily crush them. (inspired by Ironman)
PART 1 (
“You’re getting good with those thrusters,” Changmin comments fondly over the speakers. )
Comments 18
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Iron Man + Homin = LOVE <3
Min is perfect and Yunho is just Yunho and umpf my Homin feels.
Thanks for writing! (L
it would be nice to see small snippets of their life now in this verse..hope you'd consider revisiting it with one-shots..very interesting take (^_^)
“Wait. Did you just...was that a...sex joke? Really?
This made me LOL IRL. Oh boys.
I loved Yunho being all heroic yet a massive dork at the same time, and Changmin continually overthinking things and appearing all boffin-y when in actual fact he had a good handle on the situation the whole time. Or maybe not the whole time, but...
Adorable, really, and the ending made me smile :D Thank you!
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