Title: Life Isn't As Fair As It is
bbykwangie Pairing: Kikwang/OC Junhyung/OC, mentions of other BEAST members
Rating: PG-13/Nc-17 (its hard to decide)
Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance
Summary: "I just want to dance.... But why aren't I good enough?"
Comments 1
Doojoon is a glass-licker xDDD
Hum sorry xD
"it makes me worried. No matter how hard we look, it's like she's disappeared off the face of the earth.. Han is the only reason why i live! I keep thinking that she'll just walk through that door, smiling and completely unharmed!" Tears fell from NaYoung's cheeks and Junhyung wrapped his arms around her.
"Shh... It's okay.." Junhyung hushed, trying to console her.
Omo I completely melt with this scene *o*
And the fight scene is scaring!!!!
It's well-written my dear dongsaeng. Continue this way!!!!
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