Nov 25, 2006 05:35
Broken Chains Application.~ Fill out and post in a comment here~ Please bold the questions (the tag is text here )
Reserving Characters: We will hold characters for Seven (7) days, please comment here. If it is too soon for you to get another character, you can still app them, if approved we will give you a date that you can start up your new character.
Player name or nickname:
Character name (first and last, you can make up a last name if need be):
Character age (see list):
Occupation (student does count):
Portrayed By (This is a person who will be the physical image of your character. The Portayed by should look like the characters. Also most PB's should be Asian. If you need any help, ask a mod.):
Grade or year of school if they are attending university/high school:
Where they live(apartment or otherwise):
Place of origin(country/city):
Cannon powers (if any):
Modified version of these powers:
People that we can expect your character to know from their series (ex: If applying for Moegi then Konohamaru and Udon, along with Ebisu and Naruto need to be listed. If your character knows seemingly everybody simply put close connections):
RP Sample:
How often can you get AIM? You won’t be declined if it isn’t very often, we would just like to be prepared of such. If you still complete logs and are active on the journals its fine that you are rare on aim):
Player name or nickname:
Character name (first and last):
Character age (see list):
Occupation (student does count):
Portayed by:
Grade or year of school if they are attending university/high school:
Where they live(apartment or otherwise):
Place of origin(country/city):
Cannon powers (if any):
Modified version of these powers:
People that we can expect your character to know from their series:
RP Sample:
How often can you get AIM?: