Title: The Art of Having Friends
Pairing: Haydence: Hayley Steele/Cadence Nash
Rating: T
Summary: Hayley knows she's what passes for Cadence's best friend, but a girl like Cadence doesn't really know how to have friends and a girl like Hayley doesn't have any idea how to be friends with a girl like Cadence.
Disclaimer: I don't own The Troop,
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Comments 2
Especially this line They run into each other at school and around Lakewood and they argue, they fight, they laugh at ridiculous things, and Hayley has more fun than she can ever remember having and so what if she can't put a solid label on whatever the hell she and Cadence are to each other. Because I feel like that is exactly what it is.
And I like that this is Hayley's perspective.
And that you keep bringing up the "best...whatever" sort of idea that keeps playing with the not knowing really what they are. They just know that they're Cadence and Hayley and maybe, just maybe, that's okay.
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