You scored as Lawful Good. A lawful good person acts as a good person is expected or required to act. They are dedicated to upholding both what is right and what is set down in law.
Lawful Good 80% True Neutral 65% Lawful Evil 60% Neutral Good 55% Chaotic Good 45% Lawful Neutral 45% Neutral Evil 45% Chaotic Neutral 35% Chaotic Evil 25%
I've done a lot on LJ today... for not normally doing anything at all. Anyways, new icons... check em out. I guess I'm getting emo again. *shudders* lol
So I might be leaving you all this summer to go to Harvard and get a few college credits out of the way... I won't miss being away most likely. Sorry guys.
So happy birthday to Candice, whose birthday was yesterday! Happy birthday to Maggie, whose birthday is today! And happy birthday to me, whose birthday is tomorrow!
So I really like the layout of my other journal... and I'm thinking about switching it over. Yay or nay? It's the whysily one that I'm talking about if you wanna check it out.