Title: Learning Natasha (Again)
scribble_mynameRemix Recipient:
sienamysticFic I've Chosen To Remix:
I Know My Place (But It Don't Know Me)Pairing(s): implied Clint/Natasha
Rating: Gen
Wordcount: 5151
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Author's Note: When I ran through all the awesome fics available to remix, I kept coming back to this one because it talked about how Natasha was coping with becoming a team player, and there were all these little, delightful moments implied that I wanted to capture. I hadn't meant to wrap up the fic with the same scene, but the momentum carried me there and I rather like how it all turned out.
There are certain things about Natasha that are true. In order to fit in with her new team, she just needs to learn a few more of those truths. Title: Dreaming of Budapest
scribble_mynameRemix Recipient:
sienamysticFic I've Chosen To Remix:
In Two Straight Lines In Rain or ShinePairing(s): Clint/Natasha
Rating: Gen
Wordcount: 1010
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, some child/medical abuse and canon-typical violence implied
Author's Note: It's a crossover between Firefly and Avengers and it was really the story implied about Clint and Natasha that drew me to the fic, but then I decided to go watch Firefly so I could really remix it and fell head over heels in love. After that, the fic practically wrote itself.
Okay, so there might have been a very specific line that drew me: The man is a little package of tense, and the red-haired woman has...well, she has the same look on her face as River sometimes gets, right when she’s about to do something at her highest range of inexplicable. How could I resist a first line like that?
River Tam dreams that Natasha needs help-and answers.