Title: Thaw
Author: Sienamystic
Remix Recipient: Alphaflyer
Pairing(s): Clint/Natasha
Rating: G
Warnings (or 'I choose not to warn'): No warnings necessary
Author's Note: I really enjoy missionfic, where relationships get explored because of a situation and you can throw metaphors and "if things hadn't gone wrong this wouldn't be happening" stuff, and "well, now we've got a new relationship post-disaster, how did that happen?", and Alphaflyer's Warmth was a story that hit so many of my buttons I decided it had to be the one I wanted to explore. The story I ended up writing is, in some ways, a mirroring, where I've turned a frigid hotel room to a hot desert - but I wanted to maintain the journey that Alphaflyer took Clint and Natasha through, so that the endings would be very similar. I hope I've created something worth reading, because I think the original story is such a tidy bit of characterization that I'd love to live up to.
Fic I've Chosen To Remix (please include link):
Warmth, by AlphaflyerSummary: A disaster leaves Clint and Natasha stranded in the desert.
Natasha doesn't hate the desert, exactly (link to A03)