ATTF: Alternate Universe comment-fic and -headcanons

May 29, 2016 03:46

Hello fellow enthusiasts! And welcome to another All the Things Friday!

I definitely did not confuse Friday and Saturday this week, no sir-ee. (Sorry.  D: )

This week the challenge/partay is modelled after comment-fic's daily challenge, wherein participants will comment to the post with prompts that relate to the daily topic. This week's topic is *drumrolls* ALTERNATE UNIVERSE

If you've been dying to read Lumberjack!Natasha/Birdwatching!Enthusiast!Clint, this is your time!
If you have a craving for a high school AU with popular kid Clint and emo artist Natasha (who would be best friends with skinny!Steve, of course), this is your place!
If the newly developed ships of Ultron didn't sit right with you and you want to rewrite some scenes (or the whole movie) as Clintasha, this is your motion!

AU is the way we are feeliiinn'!

I may be slightly too into AUs, what, who said that?

ALSO INCLUDED IN THIS ATTF is headcanons! Say nobody else prompts your Lumberjack/Birdwatching story, but you've got a lot of feelz for it anyway? Or you can't fic for the prompt 'Activists' but you have some opinions about how it would work anyway? Go right ahead and put your metaphorical pen to the metaphorically physical comments! I think I speak for everyone when I say we really really want to read it.

Special rule: In the spirit of comment-fics, and more generally of ATTF, we ask that stories or headcanons be posted as replies to the prompts or the main post. Except for:
-If it gets long enough to be unwieldy here, we'd rather that you post a link to your journal or AO3 account rather than kinkmeme style reply-posting.
-If a prompt super-grabs you and grows into some epic length fic, and you finish a month from now, feel free to post that sucker to the com (as well as replying to the original comment because I, at least, tend to miss stuff like that if it's not shoved in my face via Inbox).

Normal rules:
1) Always label NSFW (Not Safe For Work) stuff in the title and post under a cut.
2) Fic and artwork needs to have a rating and warnings (or you can say that you’ve chosen not to use warnings).
3) For people with annoying internet connections, say in the title if a comment is graphic/images/gif-heavy and post picspams under a cut.
4) Have a damn good time! (Because if that’s not happening then this post has clearly failed.)

friday is a day for all the things, all the things friday

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