Hello again!
Since my laptop died while I was working on this chapter, I've edited it a bit so that it's... presentable. Also the chapters are going to be a lot shorter. Why?
A) I'm lazy.Eh.
B) It seems to work better with my other legacy, so why not try.
So here we go!
Now, where were we... Ah
This is pretty much all these kids do. They get greeted then stand around looking stupid until I tell Colby to turn the radio on. They like techno...
There was another space of time when nothing important happened...
Do you really want to bring that up again?
"Yes I do. I think they should know."
Very well then
Komei decided he wanted to go for a hike at 3 in the morning and since his motives were all pretty green, I let him.
Well I guess since it was so dark he didn't notice he was in poison ivy...
And I felt bad for him, and thought a shower might help
But he couldn't even stay in the shower for the itching.
"Wait, you made it seem like it wasn't your fault."
Because it wasn't.
"...Well you forgot to put the walls up in the last picture, so there!"
Well at least I'm not the one who was exicted about getting DEMOTED.
"Well, see what happened was..."
And don't even get me started about the bathroom incident! Chelsea still doesn't know about that one!
" I'm gonna go workout."
Anyway, Colby & Craig got along really great, but as I'm horribly behind you guys can't see all the adorable pictures I have.
Oh yeah, Chelsea is pregnant.
Here is Craig grown up
All together now: AWWWW!
Yeah I said it would be short. Sorry. The next one will be better... hopefully. I still have to get them caught up to Colby in college.
You know what? SHUT UP!
Wish me luck.
Happy Simming!
"Hey look everybody! I got a tree!"