Five details about your appearance right now:
[x] black and white headband
[x] windbreaker warm up pants
[x] lots of sweat
[x] girls kick butt t-shirt
[x] sneakers and running socks
Five things you did today:
[x] woke up early (10:30)
[x] stayed in bed until one
[x] went for a run
[x] ate gross pasta for breakfast and lunc
[x] didn’t snack once =)
The sad thing is I had to think really hard to think of the last two things I did today...ha vacation is Dhani
Five memorable things you did in the last year:
[x] EBSS
[x] was in five plays
[x] found my new, most common place to hook up and then hooked up with (memorable) people there
[x] broke six school records
[x] went to Las Vegas
Five things that everyone should know about you:
[x] I go to an all boys school in the middle of nowhere Western MA
[x] I talk a lot
[x] I don’t care what you think or say about me unless you are one of the top ten most important (non family members) people in my life.
[x] I’m not at all like what the people at school think I’m like
[x] I am completely honest and speak my mind
Five groups you listened to yesterday:
[x] Yellowcard
[x] Something Corporate
[x] Madonna
[x] Fiddy!!!
[x] Tim McGraw (don’t ask…it’s the Canadian’s fault)
Five things that make you happy:
[x] music/singing
[x] flowers
[x] being on stage
[x] dancing/acting/swimming/running…being active in some way
[x] being with someone/people I love
Five people who mean a lot to you (in no particular order):
[x] Eric
[x] Ashlee
[x] Anna
[x] Alissa
[x] Josh
Five things that impress you:
[x] Daniel
[x] people who over come their fears
[x] beauty
[x] people who aren’t fake or posers
[x] music
Five things you cant live without:
[x] music
[x] laughter/smiles
[x] swimming
[x] Piggie and Blankie
[x] my friends
Five things you'll do when you complete this:
[x] do my laundry
[x] eat dinner
[x] make my bed/clean my room
[x] shower
[x] turn on my lights
Five things you feel right now:
[x] tired
[x] light-headed
[x] like my lungs and knees are going to collapse
[x] hungry
[x] gross
So. Hm. I just went for my "I-don't-want-to-be-a-fat-lazy-bitch-for-the-rest-of-my-life" run and, lo and behold, it started to snow. It was effing freezing. But, it was nice to get out there. But remind me never to run again. Because A) I had cramps already...I didn't need to add onto them, B) I have chronic knee problems that I completely forgot about because I've been on my ass all of break, C) I had barely eaten all day and D) it's probably not the best thing to be trying to run and being anemic. I should put some better food into me before I try and work out. Whatever. Alissa and I are still working on weekend plans. Oye, this is complicated. lungs are about to collapse and so are my knees and I am gross and starving so I think I'm going to go. But first, I have to promote...because it's in call for. I haven't in a while:
Join! Guys can join too so they can vote!
Side note: Ben-Gey and Midal are Dhani.
Okay, it's a terrible picture of me, considering I was bawling my effing eyes out and I still had my was eight months ago. But yes. Pablo is going to be at Eaglebrook in the fall and that makes me soooooo happy. I miss him. He won't be back this summer though. :( Hehe he's older than me and he is only gonna be in eighth grade next year. Hehe anyway, I miss him like whoa, regardless of what we went through this summer. But, he brings meaning to the saying "Let all your boys be Mexican and all you kisses be French." ;)