Taken from Ashlee (
iamasian) and Michelle (
[The stOry behind yOur username]: had Something Corporate stuck in my head
[How Old?]: 13
[Where dO you live?]: MA
[4 wOrds that sum you up]: you only live once
describe yOur...
[Wallet]: Julius by Paul Frank
[Hairbrush]: black
[Jewelry wOrn daily]: ring, watch, braclet
[PillOw cOver]: a baby blue one and a yellow with flower (Ashlee’s couch) one
[cOffee cup]: “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” black mug
[CD in stereO right nOw]: cleaning mix
[Piercing]: ears
[What yOu are wearing nOw]: blue and white Puma socks, dark denim LEI jeans, Jet Set St. Moritz martini shirt, Harvard Swimming Short Course Championships sweatshirt, new thong, old bra, regular jewelry
[Hair]: dark brown with red and purple (have to get it re-dyed though)
[In my head]: “No Pigeons” - Sporty Thieves (I’m listening to it)
[Wishing]: I could run down to DA and back up in twenty minutes without dying
[After this]: eat and run
[Talking tO]: Ashlee and Mom
[Eating]: Nothing
[Fetishes]: Smiles
[sOme of yOur favorite movies]: Silence of the Lambs, Moulin Rouge, Thirteen, Finding Nemo
[sOmething yOu're lOoking fOrward tO in the upcOming mOnths]: Spring at EBS = fantastic. Enough said. The only thing I’m not looking forward to in spring? Commencement and working to get perfect grades
[The last thing you ate?]: something shitty at Liss’as
[sOmething that yOu are deathly afraid Of?]: being alone
[dO yOu like candles]: yup
[dO yOu like incense]: yup
[dO yOu believe in lOve]: of course
[dO yOu believe in sOul mates]: yeah
[dO yOu believe in lOve at first sight]: not really
[dO yOu believe in fOrgiveness]: yeah
[If yOu could have any animal fOr a pet]: a pig like Andy’s
[What are 3 cities yOu wOuldn't mind relOcating to?]: Vegas, NYC, Boston
[What's sOmething yOu wish yOu cOuld understand better?]: the male race
[AnyOne yOu miss that yOu haven't seen in a lOng time?]: Paloma, Cookie, Inigo L
In the last 24 hours, have yOu:
01. Cried: yes...cause I was laughing so effing hard at Zack
02. bOught sOmething: tons
03. gOtten sick: felt sick
04. Sang: tons
05. Eaten: tons
06. Been kissed: no
07. Felt stupid: yeah
08. Wanted to tell sOmeOne yOu lOved them, but didn't: no
09. Met sOmeOne new: yeah
10. MOved On: yeah
11. Talked to an ex: yes
12. Missed an ex: no…wait yes
13. Talked to sOmeOne yOu have a crush/like On: no L
14. Had a seriOus talk: yes
15. Missed sOmeOne: yes
16. Hugged sOmeOne: yes
17. fOught with yOur parents: no
18. Dreamed abOut sOmeone you can't be with: no
sOcial Life:
01. Best girl friend(s): Anna, Alissa, Ashlee
02. Best guy friend(s): Eric, Josh, Ian, Ray, Owen (Kasser…obviously)
03. Boy/Girlfriend?: ha, I was about to say yes…no
04. If no, current dating partner: ?
05. hObbies: singing, dancing, acting, swimming, Ultimate, soccer, running, going online
06. Pager/Cell: none L
07. Are you center of attentiOn Or the wallflOwer: center =\
08. What type autOmobile dO yOu drive: none
09. What type automObile dO you wish yOu can drive: silver convertible
10. wOuld yOu rather be with friends Or On a date: friends…duh…most of my dates are people I’m friends with anyway
11. Where is the best hangout: Ashlee’s…the pool…the mall…my basement…not DA hahaha
01. Have yOu knOwn the lOngest: Lindsey
02. dO you argue the mOst with: Eric
03. dO yOu always get along with: Josh…duh
04. Is the trustworthiest? Eric, Josh, Ian
06. Has been there through all the hard times: for the most part Ashlee, Anna, and Alissa
07. Have the cOolest parents: ASHLEE
08. Has the cOolest siblings: Alissa, Eric
09. Is the most blunt: JOSH
10. Is the smartest: Eric
01. WhO is your rOle mOdel: Madonnnnnnnna. And my dad.
02. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: of course
03. dO yOu have a "type" of person yOu always gO fOr: all of the guys I have dated have been soooo different from the previous…I just realized…wow
04. Ever liked yOur best guy/girl friend: yup
05. dO yOu want tO get married: yeah
06. dO yOu want kids: eventually
07. dO yOu believe yOu know the persOn whOm yOu will marry at this pOint in time: nope
08. Are yOu happy with yOu: sometimes
09. Are yOu happy with yOur life: yeah
10. If yOu cOuld change sOmething in yOur life right nOw, what wOuld it be? I’d go back in time
11. What are yOur life gOals?: do an Ironman, have a happy, healthy family of my own, put out at least one CD, be a teacher…so be like my dad (minus the CD part)
So I had a great time at the Mamasitas. We were there alone, so it was great to not have to worry about waking Cory up or anything. We could scream and dance and blast our music. We had a fantastic time. We bought so much shit food at the mall at Target. We also got...
-Gummy Penises at Spencers
-Penis straws at Spencers
And I got...
-New olive cords
-Pink and black squishy spikey earrings
We ate all the penises at the mall while waiting for Bob. Anna finally went and found him. He was on the opposite end of the mall. I walked around in my LV's for nine hours. What a bitch. They hurt so much. But I got tons of compliments from random people. Then we went to the Ice Cream Social...Zack Miller goes to ARMS now because he got kicked out of Bement last year. He gave me the most evil look ever. It was effing hilarious. Anna and I laughed for five minutes straight. We were both crying. It was great. They were okay. Then we went to Alissa's and had a great time. I would normally grace you all with pictures but my camera was fucked up. Well, it's time to fuel up, charge my iPod, and go for a run. Lata' gata'...
Come waste your time with me