urkisskilledme last cigarette: I don't smoke
last kiss: =X
last good cry: Monday?
last library book checked out: last year
last movie seen: Clueless
last book read: I'm reading This Boys Life
last cuss word uttered: bitch (if that counts)
last beverage drank: tangerine juice (with my penis straw)
last food consumed: Starburst
last phone call: earlier today I called Dad
last tv show watched: a show on the gay marriage deal
last shoes worn: running shoes...just got back from my run
last cd played: I don't listen to CDs anymore...but probably my cleaning mix
last item bought: FOOD
last downloaded: "Greatest Fall" - Matchbook Romance
last annoyance: knot in my calf, scraping bones in my knee
last disappointment: not seeing anyone exciting (besides Betsy) on my run
last soda drank: Ginger ale this afternoon
last thing handwritten: a note telling my parents where I was running and when I'd be back
last word spoken: haha (?)
last sleep: last night
last im: Steve
last weird encounter: my olive cords...for like $70 less
last ice cream eaten: meh...Wednesday?
last amused: Eric and Mikey leaving their stupid combs at my house and my dad asked if they were mine
last time wanting to die: never
last time in love: if this last month wasn't real love...then last April and May...and then took all of June and July to get over it
last time hugged: Anna and Alissa today
last time scolded: no clue
last chair sat in: the car chair
last lipstick used: meh I don't use much lipstick...the last lipstick is used my my favorite lipstick of all time...and then my dog ate it :(
last shirt worn: red "You're just my type" blood donor t-shirt
last time dancing: today while cleaning to "Shake Ya Tailfeather"
last poster looked at: "Boys are stupid throw rocks at them" on my wall
last show attended: Gavin ::orgasm:: and BNL
last webpage visited:
1 MINUTE AGO: I sat up
1 HOUR AGO: I was running
1 DAY AGO: I was shopping...I remember looking at my watch and being in American Eagle
1 WEEK AGO: shopping in Hadley, Northampton, and Greenfield with Mom
1 YEAR AGO: I was attempting to read The Yearling, the worst book EVER
current clothes: red "You're just my type" blood donor shirt, red running shorts, blue running socks
current mood: sore/tired
current music: Elton John
current taste: Fritos
current hair: altheltic style - "pineapple" (that's what people called me during soccer season because I did my hair like that every day) with a headband
current annoyance: my messy room and constant eating
current smell: sweat...ew
current thing I should be doing: showering
current desktop picture: me and the Mamasitas in Target with changes from my picture favorite folder every it's Charlie sneaking a drink and CJ and Gus's pretty picture next to him (heheh that was so much fun)
current refreshment: Fritos and candy and tangerine juice
current worry: cleaning
1. What do you most like about your body? nothing
2. And least? everything
3. How many fillings do you have?: none...they were all in baby teeth
4. Do you think you're good looking?: nope
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? yeah...effing liars