Tale #1: I was talking with my neighbor about his dying cat and I couldn't just contain myself and started crying. It was quite embarrassing. He felt so bad for me that he gave me a hug. In this situation, a hug is a-okay!
Tale #2: This guy showed up at work for a meeting and it went some thing like this:
Me: Hello!
Guy: Hi! How are you? How was your 4th of July? ::Hugs::
This is an example of a Do-NOT-hug situation. I mean, sure, I am super tiny and my new jacket makes me look cute as fuck, but please, refrain from hugging me. How about a handshake while you're standing 3 feet away from me? Why not hug? It's pretty obvious, our relationship is a business relationship. I write you a contract paying you money to build me something. Any relationship that has a contract being the main player do not require hugs at all. Well, except in the situation where I'm a prostitute or something, which I am not!
I know that you play golf and go boating or whatever with my boss, but please do not hug me. No touchy feely!
On with the hugging topic, have you hug someone you love today? If you haven't, please go hug someone you love because why should you go hug random strangers when you can hug a loved one? They won't be there forever with you and you won't be there forever with them. Why wait until tomorrow? What's wrong with today?
Besides, after a shitty day, there is nothing better than a lovely hug. Let me give you some examples: