*About Youself*
♥Name: kate.
♥Age: 15 && its my birthday
♥Location: abilene texass
♥Birthday: today [[ july 24th ]]
♥Status(Single or Taken): single :] <333
*Your Opinions of...
♥Michael Jackson: don't like his music.. & he has a funny nose
♥How much money celebrities make per film: well idk how much they make but it must be hard to spend so much time on one movie so it should be alot of money
♥Abortion: im pro-choice. what if you were raped by a family member.. would you want the government telling you if you could have that baby or not
♥Child Abuse: its horraible. i was abused by my father & its terriable.
♥Plastic Surgery: to much pain & money.. its pointless to me
♥Overweight People: well. i think some are just lazy
♥Christina Aguilera: she has a nice voice but she dresses like a slut
♥The age of singers/actors: it doesn't matter how old they are its all about their voice
♥Suicide: its horriable.. i've never had a friend or anybody close to me commit suicide. idk what i would do if they did
♥Why do you want to be a member of this community?: it looks fun & i lovee to be myself
♥Tell us three interesting facts about yourself: i actually get along with my parents.. [[sometimes]] ; they give me alot of freedom & i take advantage of it ; im a virgin :)
*This or that(Please explain your answers):
♥Christina or Britney: britney. i've loved her from the begining <3
♥Ross and Rachel or Chandler and Monica: i don't watch friends :[
♥Jessica or Ashlee: jessica. shes so funny.
♥Lindsay Lohan or Rachel McAdams: Rachel McAdams i think Lindsay is fake.
♥Tv Shows: laguna beach. degrassi. gilmore girls & the real world
♥Movies: fast times at ridgemont high. dazed & confused. the notebook & titanic
♥Foods: pasta. pizza. burgers. salad. chips. icecream. cakee
♥Cartoon Character: porky pig..
♥Bands: taking back sunday. backstreetboys. britney spears. fall out boy
♥Quote: 'people are always gonna talk.. so why not give 'em something to talk about'
♥Sport: i play soccer & i love it but i love to watch baseball
♥Perfume: Curious by Britney
♥Clothing Brand: Goody's
♥Make-Up Line: MAC
♥Promote us in at least 3 places(make sure to include a link with the picture and make sure to use one of our banners):
http://www.livejournal.com/users/summerlove25/41224.html?view=28680#t28680 ♥At least 3 pictures of yourself:
♥A 150x150 picture of yourself for the userinfo page:
..smoosh ;]..