Title: Falling Hard
bea_tricks Genre: Romance/Adventure
Pairings: Hatter/Alice
Rating: T
Summary: Anyone else wonder how that flamingo crash went down? Takes place right after the first escape from the casino. The T rating might be overstating it, but there's a little suggestiveness.
She supposed it was too much to ask that they escape from the casino unscathed, and Hatter had been in a very vulnerable position on the flamingo when they crashed. )
Comments 8
Great fic<333
I'm with Alice--girly plumbing wins XD
Sweet White Queen, I am an idiot. I'd do it all over again. -- LOL! It's so true though.
"If you can find it in yourself to hit on me, I'm sure you'll be quite alright." With that, she stood and announced their need to find that batty old knight. -- This missing scene is great!
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