Title: You Remind Me
bea_tricks Genre: General
Characters: Jenny, Danny
Rating: T
Summary: Jenny explains to Danny how she feels about his presence there in the ARC. I imagine this taking place in 305 somewhere after the break-in.
"You know, I once had a man who pursued me nearly as devotedly as you have the ARC team."
"Oh really?" Danny replied in rapt attention.
Jenny's eyes glazed over as she reminisced. "Yes, he was always sending me flowers, showing up when i wasn't expecting him, never taking no for an answer."
"Is this your current boyfriend?"
"So what happened?"
She snapped immediately back to serious.
"I got a restraining order. You want to take part with this project, Quinn, send in a CV like everyone else. Otherwise, be forewarned that I wear very sharp heels and know precisely where a man's testicles are located."