I haven't been myself for the past week or so. I'm hesistant and can't concentrate, where as usually I'm forward and focused. Maybe a trip to a hot spring would help. I heard they can have positive effects on your health. Anyone know of one nearby?
//I don't know why I'm being like this... Well, I do, it's because of Atsushi-kun. Obviously it's more than just a coincidence that he and I look alike and have the same last name, but I can't find the courage to approach him. I don't know why I'm being like that. But it's kinda weird, you know? Like what am I supposed to say? "Hey, you noticed we have some similiarities? Maybe we're long-lost twins!!" Okay, that doesn't sound too weird. (/sarcasm) I mentioned it to Mom and she just got quiet. I'm pretty sure she's keeping something from me. Maybe we're just cousins or something, which might explain why she didn't say anything, since it would have to be from my father's side.
I should just go up to him and talk to him. If I can find the right time, eheh. But everytime I see him I get this feeling, like I should know something but don't, and I get confused and shy...//