ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one - BLAST OFF!

Sep 18, 2009 17:30


Ten things I wish I could say to ten different people (but don't say their names).

10. You’re honestly my everything. You’re gorgeous, funny, trustful and just plain fantastic. And you’re the biggest pervert ever! Haha. Thanks for sticking by me for an entire 15 years of my life! It’s amazing how we’ve been best friends since we were TWO! I truly think that we’re the true, REAL meaning of best friends. We hardly ever fight, in fact, I can’t remember the last argument we’ve had. I love how you stick by me all the time, making sacrifices so that I won’t get in trouble (ie. being truly modest). Know that I’m always going to be there for you - no matter what. You’re like my beloved sister! I love you.

9. Hey sexy (And I don’t need you telling me that you know that already!  =]  ) Thanks for being the one who I can always depend on to stick by me no matter what. I’ve learnt this year that in life, there’s not many people you can REALLY trust with your life. I can trust you 24/7. You know I tell you everything. I love the fact that you can be such a bitch - my bitch. I love your attitude (the “I’m all for what I want” attitude). You are so beautiful in so many ways. Remember that I love you.

8. Sometimes I think you should go shove your head down a toilet (actually, I ALWAYS think that - not just sometimes). If you looked in a dictionary under “fake” you’ll find your name. Gosh, I could scream, having to tolerate the pretend princess that you are. Life would be so much better for everyone if you didn’t exist. It’s not like you’ll be missed much anyway. You pretend you’re so popular, like everyone loves you. Wake up you screwed up *****!

7. You’re so cute! You are. And You have the number one most lovely smile! I love your hugs, haha. I’m incredibly lucky to even be friends with you, let alone have you as one of my closest friends. Thanks for telling me everything, trusting me all the time. It’s no wonder why everyone loves you so much. My biggest hope is that we’ll remain close friends for a LONG time. I never want to lose you as a friend. I love teasing you, but I guess you like teasing me more. Gosh you’re annoying. Ha - But I love you to bits!!

6. Hey, I miss you so much. More than I can express in words. I’m sorry for ruining things between us. You were one of my best friends, and it hurts me to think that we could have still had that amazing friendship. I was so judgmental! You were just growing up at a faster rate than I was, and I didn’t like it. Now I’m that person you were when we drifted apart. And I love myself. Then why didn’t I allow myself to love you for who you were? What happened? I’m so so so sorry. I don’t know when you’ll ever forgive me. I just wish we can make up one day and hang out sometimes. I miss you, I truly do.

5. Excuse me, but are you blind? Or deaf? Can’t you see that she loves you so much? She’s hurting, just regretting what she did to you. I know she was only doing what she thought was best at that time, and I’m sure you can understand that too. She’s only young, she makes mistakes. We all do. And I know, that you still love her too. Why are you so afraid to take a risk again? Are you scared of being hurt? I understand if that’s where you’re coming from. But for the sake of love, give the girl a second chance! You guys are perfect for each other. You’re both people who live for others. People who aren’t shallow or artificial. It’s rare to find a couple that beautiful in this world.

4. I love how you always make me laugh. You do the strangest things! It’s really terrific to have a friend like you, so down-to-earth, so loving, so selfless! Thanks for all the time you wasted scanning Truong papers over to me because I’m such a SLOW writer!  Haha. Thanks for all the advice you’ve given me. I can always trust you, I just wish you would trust me more to tell me stuff, instead of me having to find out from other people. I understand you, you know? Just know I’ll always be there for you.

3. I’ll probably never actually tell you this in person, but I really like you. You’re that girl who appears so annoying at first - until you actually talk to her. I never liked you very much before, but now that I’ve heard your side of the story, I look up to you. I admire the way you seem so sure of yourself. I love people who have confidence, and you are filled with it. If you ever get into an argument with certain people, I’ll be there on your side - defending you. Oh, and you looked incredibly pretty in your school photo.

2. Hey sweetie. I appreciate you so much, you wouldn’t believe it! I appreciate how you encourage me when I’m love strucked. Thank you for sitting there and listening to me and not telling me to get over myself. It’s a wonderful feeling. I trust you a lot. But do you still trust me like you used to? Stick by my side in times of hardship? Do you still love me like I’ve always loved you - like a sister? I feel as if we’ve started to drift apart. I miss you. I want my close friend back.

1. This is hard to say, even if it’s not in person. There’s something about you that’s gotten me dazed. Is it those eyes, that gorgeous smile, or those conversations? You know what you have so much of that I love? Confidence. You shine with it. Your presence is all that’s needed to make my day. There’s times where I’ve felt down, but when I’m in your company, it’s all different. You don’t even know I feel this way do you? You’re so mature, the way you approach things. I feel like a child sometimes, but then you listen. You hear what I have to say. And you’re trustful - that’s why I tell you many things. But not this. I’m just a little scared. I won’t say I love you, but saying that I like you a lot is an understatement. Thanks for making my heart skip a few beats whenever you smile your true smile, or just being nearby.

Nine things about myself.

9. I’m a show-off. I love attention - I don’t seek it, but I love it.

8. It’s so easy for me to like people. If you’re some random person and you walk past me and say “hi”, I’ll like you.

7. I try ever so hard not to hate. There’s probably 0.00001% people in this world that I know and hate.

6. I have the most awesome, fabulous, fantastic, terrific, lovable, adorable, crazy, pretty, smart, cool, outstanding best friend ever!

5. I love sport, and dancing. And the beach. Make me happy? Then take to to play some sport game or to hang out at the beach (haha - beach volleyball).

4. I’m much of a romantic. I believe in love, but not love at first sight (that’s just a bunch of mush)

3. I gush and blush easily. Embarrass me slightly and I go tomato-red.

2. There’s more things running through my mind then I let on. I think, analyse and then re-analyse things.

1. I can’t wait to get out into the real world - high school’s so tedious!

Eight ways to win my heart.

8. Keep me smiling - make my day.

7. Talk to me about decent stuff. Don’t shy away. Keep the conversation interesting. Embarrass me slightly even. Tease me.

6. Smile a true smile - one that actually reaches your eyes. I can tell when a smile’s real - and I love it.

5. Don’t be clingy. It will drive me away quicker than lightning.

4. Be affectionate. Give me hugs - warm comfortable ones. Don’t rush them.

3. Be adventurous. Get out there - try new things. Take me to new places.

2. Surprise me.

1. Commit

Seven things that cross my mind a lot.

7. My friends

6. Upcoming/past parties

5. Plans for the future (near and faraway)

4. Him

3. Outing - perhaps the beach?

2. Love songs, and dance moves (yes, I mentally create dance moves in my head and then fail to be able to pull them off physically!  =]  )

1. My appearance

Six things I do before I fall asleep.

6. Walk around the house in heels (yes, I do strange, unexplainable things like that)

5. Slurp down some milk

4. Brush my teeth

3. Brush my hair

2. Shut the door so it’s nice and dark

1. Lie in bed for a while, thinking and rethinking about things

Five people who mean a lot (apart from family)

5. Trisha

4. Anna

3. Anne

2. Grace

1. Mary

Four things I'm wearing right now.

4. Crocs

3. Purple shorts

2. My “I (heart) Melbourne” shirt

1. Ok…. I’m out of clothes here - unless you want me to name what I’m wearing underneath…

Three songs that I listen to often.

3. Teardrops on my guitar (Taylor Swift)

2. Leave, Get out (Jojo)

1. You Belong with Me (Taylor Swift)

Two things I want to do before I die.

2. Find TRUE love, Get married, have a family

1. Travel around the world - and go back to Vietnam.

One confession.

I don’t care how corny this sounds, but I love my friends so soooo much. I mean - I really really love them. As in, they’re my weakness - without those girls in my top five, life would be meaningless. I’d do anything for those girls. They bring out the best in me. I’m only my true self around them. I Know for a fact that I can be exactly myself without being judged by those gorgeous girls. I love you guys. Know that I will always be there for you.

random questions

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