Title: Boundary Issues, or the Soft Underbelly of Co-habitation
Pairing: pre-slash McShep
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Pre-slash, animal transformation, Serious Fluff.
Disclaimer: I make no money on this
Author's note: I'm sorry, can't seem to stop. Kaatskill just did to me what John does to Rodney. I had to capture it.
crownglass39 is responsible for a certain gesture John is uncertain about. Icon by
itsychick Teaser: “I swear I can hear you pouting.” Rodney rolled to his side, exasperated.
John was still relaxing on Rodney’s desk in his bunny-slipper bed long after Rodney had closed his computer and started his pre-bedtime puttering. (This included stomping around in his bathrobe, reading journal articles and furiously writing corrections in the margins, which he claimed relaxed him, and playing solitaire.)
Rodney was sitting on the bed grumbling over an article that was just wrong, wrong, wrong when John looked over his shoulder at Rodney and said, “Brrr?” He leaned back a little, one paw propped on the edge of the bunny bed. He looked expectant.
“What?” Rodney asked absently.
“Brrrrrrrrr?” John replied, arching his back a little and spreading the toes on his exposed paw. He managed to make himself look fluffy and more pettable. Rodney had no idea how he did that.
He leveled a flat look on John. “Are you too lazy to get up and come over here if you want me to scratch your ears?”
“Brrrrrr,” John trilled pleasantly, stretching and rolling a little to show his belly.
Rodney rolled his eyes. “You have got to be the biggest flirt I have ever seen. You’re even worse as a cat.”
John had rolled enough that he was looking at Rodney upside down; his front paws dangling limply on his chest. He stretched one toward Rodney silently.
Rodney stared at him a moment, then firmly went back to his journal. John sighed.
A few minutes later, he stretched both front paws, spreading his toes wide. Rodney watched him from under his lashes.
Grumbling, John let his paws sag and closed his eyes, giving up.
About five minutes later, Rodney went to brush his teeth, then strolled by his desk, his hands firmly in his robe pockets.
“I’m going to turn in. You staying over here?”
John rolled, yawned, and stretched everything, including his ears. He looked up at Rodney sleepily. “Brrr?” he asked softly.
“So pushy,” Rodney said affectionately, sitting down in his chair to stroke John’s belly. He made a detour up to stroke under his chin and John tilted his head back ecstatically, purring loudly.
Rodney petted John for a few quiet moments then leaned over and blew a raspberry on his tummy. John scrambled up and away in a flash, and stood behind his cat tree, looking scandalized and quivering slightly.
Barking out a short, embarrassed laugh, Rodney said, “I’m sorry. I forgot. I used to do that to my cat all the time. She liked it.”
“Mrowr!” John said, firmly reminding him he was not just a cat.
Rodney raised his hands, “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
John sat and licked his paw a few times, then looked at Rodney dubiously.
Slapping his thighs, Rodney stood. “Sleeping, now.” He shed his robe and climbed into bed while John hovered uncertainly by the cat tree. Rodney thought the lights off and lay back, glaring at the ceiling.
“I swear I can hear you pouting,” Rodney rolled to his side, exasperated.
A moment later, he could hear John pad across the carpet. Looking over the side of his bed, Rodney could see him sitting sadly on the floor, looking back.
“I promise I will not violate your belly.” He scooted over to make room.
John leapt up and settled close, his head next to Rodney’s. He looked subdued and uncertain.
“You want to tell me what’s going on?”
After looking at him a long, long moment, John rolled on his back and arched shyly, presenting his belly.
Rodney laid his head on his arm and laughed, reaching out with one hand to palm John’s stomach. He shook him gently back and forth as John purred.
“Seriously, were you traumatized by a belly berry as a child?”
“Brrr,” John replied, slightly irritated. He arched again.
Smiling, Rodney leaned over and blew a long, loud raspberry on John’s belly, as John swatted him with soft front paws. They fell asleep with John curled around Rodney’s head, whose nose remained buried in his soft fur.