Commence with the cutting of the stuff for the sparing of the people and so forth...
ANDY v3.0 - Progress Report
Just occurred to me that I totally skipped last week's entry, and almost missed this one.
It's not the memory going as much as all that cough syrup I've been drinking. ;-)
Anyway, not much of a big deal that I didn't post results last week, 'cause there weren't any. Didn't lose any weight. In fact, for a bit of the week, it looked like I had gained a pound, which had me doing the WTF? dance, since my calories have been pretty consistent and within my goals. This week, however, the scale seems to have settled down, and it looks like I've lost my one pound for the week, so I'm gonna chalk last week up to scale margin of error.
I've added in some exercise to continue the weight loss, since my body is *really* happy sitting right around the 220-230 area. So, I've begun run/walking after work to help proceed past what otherwise could be a BIG ASS plateau. (No pun intended). Just 30 minutes of walking interspersed with jogging - until my bod re-acclimates to the concept of running. It's been awhile.
And that's all the news that's fit to print. Ta.
Current Weight: 223
Goal Weight: 170 (17 lbs down, 53 lbs to go)
Calorie Goal: 1950 calories per day ( A level which will theoretically result in weight loss of 1lb per week.)
Last week's average cals: 1,873
This week's average cals: 1,886
Running Average cals since starting diet: 1,976
Theoretical Caloric Weight Loss: 13.71 lbs
Actual Weight Loss: 17.0 lbs.