Because I'm still in that fandom honeymoon period with The Mentalist and as much as I'm enjoying Eleven and Amy, I still miss Ten and Donna and think that all my favorite characters should meet them in epically awesome cracktastical crossovers.
Sadly, until Tennant or Tate decides to follow in Barrowman's footsteps and guest star on American television, picspamming is the closest I'll get to having said crossover dreams realized.
The aforementioned annoying men in pinstripes (with occasionally slipping accents). I know it's pretty much impossible to see in the cap, but Jane's suit does have pinstripes.
As a random side note, I'd also like to add Tennant and Baker both seem to like to use plaid patterns as a weapon in some bizarre war against my vision. Though, to be honest, I'm fairly sure Simon accidentally stumbled into the battle while
David has been waging this war for a while now. (I mock because I love.)
Getting back to the Doctor and Jane, not only do they have similar sartorial tastes, they also like to emo a lot.
Usually about blondes.
(The Doctor has lost a lot of them, though sometimes he'll mix it up and emo about his lost planet and being The Last of The Time Lords.)
They also have unresolved issues with doctors who have been or currently are Law & Order ADAs (or the British equivalent).
The women who put up with them.
And who refuse to let them drown in their sorrows. (Literally, in the Doctor's case.)
And who look awfully pretty in fancy black dresses and sparkly tiaras.
Sadly that wasn't from an episode of Who and it's hard to see Lisbon's dress, so have an extra photo of the Doctor and Donna crashing a party and 3/5 of the team all cleaned up.
When we first meet them, Donna is mad at the Doctor and Lisbon is mad at Jane.
The former for kidnapping her from her wedding (as she's walking down the aisle) and the latter for getting a man shot to death. (Poor Steven Culp, he dies in everything.)
To quote Jane, it's not as bad as it looks. Donna's fiancé was planning on getting her fed to giant baby spiders and the dead man (before he was shot to death) killed his daughter because he was molesting her and she refused to put up with it anymore. However, that doesn't really make Donna or Lisbon feel any better so the Doctor tries to cheer Donna up by showing her the creation of Earth and Jane apologizes with paper frogs. (One has to make do with origami when one lacks a TARDIS.)
Both methods work.
When it comes to being poisoned (whether by Huon particles or deadly airborne viruses) Donna and Lisbon do not appreciate you being flip about it.
The Doctor and Jane learn about this the hard way.
Donna and Lisbon are also very skeptical about the Doctor or Jane catching them (whether it's because they need to make Tarzan-like escapes or participate in impromptu trust falls).
Sadly, Donna was right not to trust the Doctor. Jane, fortunately does a better job of it and doesn't drop Lisbon.
Reasons to love Donna and Lisbon include them knowing how to get shit done when the Doctor and Jane are being ineffective, whether it's because the sonic "doesn't do wood" or because it's, well, Patrick "I stop fists with my face" Jane.
Or both of them happily teasing the Doctor and Jane about being called "pretty boy" or kissing a girl.
When it comes to hugs however, their attitudes differ. Donna and the Doctor are all about hugs, while Lisbon is all "WTF? Get it off me!"
And to kill some more bandwidth, some random cuteness. (How adorable is Van Pelt in the background?)
Some pretty angsting.
Lisbon and Jane having a rather adorable looking silent conversation.
And as much as I love the moment above, it cannot compare to the hilarity that is the epic moment of the Doctor's reunion with Donna,
communicated entirely though mime.