Babbling about random characters

Apr 22, 2011 22:04

Meme time!

1. Comment with "the odds are ever in your favor."
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters and your thoughts on each.

Ganked from redbrunja who gave me 'G':

Gwen Cooper (Torchwood): While she's not among the top five on my list of Favorite Whoniverse Characters (probably not even top ten), she has grown on me. I love her best when she's kicking ass and shooting things (with Rhys offering to hold their baby-to-be so that her hands are free for the aforementioned shooting of things).

Grace Van Pelt (The Mentalist): I was a little iffy with Grace's character when we first met her, but I'm glad to be wrong about my initial assumptions. I'm not thrilled with Grace's current storyline but then again, like Gwen, I like Grace best when she's kicking ass and less when she's part of the FBI Agent Guy Who's Name I've Forgotten/Grace/Rigsby triangle.

Gordon Cole (Twin Peaks): He's among the many characters that I completely forgot existed on the show when I started my re-watch. I'm happy to (re)discover him as he's hilarious. I love how Dale is the only one to (sort of) understand him and his crush on Shelly is adorable. I wish there was more Gordon and Shelly being sweet and less of Bobby and Shelly being idiotic.

Georgina Sparks (Gossip Girl): I loved her when she was blackmailing Serena about a murder that did not happen because she missed her coke buddy. I found her hilarious when she became born again. I sadly did not care when she got involved in a Dan storyline and to this day do not know happened to her and the baby.

Gary Hawkins (Justified): I suppose his downfall was always the plan, but I liked Gary as a regular good (if not the bravest) guy who loved his wife. Then he lost his mind and made one stupid decision after another. I would've loved to see him stay the good guy trying to win Winona back, but sadly that does not seem to be in the cards.

killing time: memes, tv: justified, tv: gossip girl, tv: twin peaks, tv: the mentalist, tv: torchwood

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