The Choose Between Your Favorite Child Picspam

Jan 13, 2009 22:40

So if you're a fan of either David Tennant or Robert Pattinson you've probably seen the posts urging you to vote David or Rob in the Hello Magazine poll. No brainer, right? Well, what if you like 'em both? It's like choosing a favorite child! Obviously a mini picspam (with way too much meaningless commentary) is in order.

Round 1: Finding a Better Picture

I went to the polls deciding to cast my vote for whoever had the better picture. Unfortunately Hello magazine decided to use the two worst photos they could find.

Actually, Rob's isn't as bad when larger, but still, if I saw that squint approaching me late at night I'd cross the street because I watched way too much America's Most Wanted as a child and Law & Order in the past month. David on the other hand reminds me of the weirdos that I tend to attract who (true stories!) attempt to buy me off subway platforms or hand me money for no apparent reason.

Score: Rob: 0 David: 0

Does someone over at Hello hate them both? There are much better shots from the same events they could've used!

See? No one looks like a serial killer or Bellevue escapee.

Rob wins the vote here because his suit does not make me slightly dizzy (and because the look on his face amuses me).

Score: Rob: 1 David: 0

Round 2: Red Velour Suits at Harry Potter Premieres

Another true story: I now cannot walk past a display that features a red velour suit without laughing because I keep on thinking back to the GoF premiere where the boys of Harry Potter all wore velour. To this day I want to know if it was a coincidence or they planned it out ahead of time. (Unrelated to velour, according to YouTube, David was at that premiere and it saddens me that there is no big GoF cast shot with both of them in it.)

Personally, I like Rob's pairing of the jacket with leather better than David's full suited velour glory, but David gets my vote here because he obviously loves that suit (and velour in general) and I like Sophia Myles and GitF is one of my all time favorite episodes.

Score: Rob: 1 David: 1

Round 3: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Speaking of HP, they were both in this movie and the first time I watched it, I wasn't a fan of either actor and didn't care. (I also didn't care for HP but that's a whole other story.) A few years later and this movie fuels a lot of the crossover crack that exists only in my head.

To be fair, Rob did play a character whose sole purpose in the movie was to be pretty, make Harry jealous and then die and David played a crazy lunatic who spent most of the movie looking like Brendan Gleeson. So, here’s one where Cedric’s a bit less pretty and Barty's a bit less homeless.

David reminds me of someone here, and for some reason, Hitler keeps on popping up in my head. (Oh, look! I didn't notice til now! It's the Doctor's blue suit!) Either way, Rob gets my vote here simply because Cedric popping out of a tree for no apparent reason and later inadvertently propositioning Harry never fails to make me laugh. And because Barty Jr. indirectly killed the pretty Cedric.

Score: Rob: 2 David: 1

Round 4: Catherine Tate!

The thing I recently discovered and love about British television is that they seem to have a small casting pool and actors that I like will often pop up together in other projects. (I will forever thank Fenella Woolgar for leading me to the misadventures of the Doctor and Agatha Christie if the Doctor were a womanizing priest and Agatha was everything I didn't like about Rose Tyler multiplied by 100 but with the added bonus being angst-free and crack-filled. And before I am lynched: I do like Billie Piper and was fond of Series 1 Rose. It's just S2 and TSE/JE Rose I'm not as fond of.)

Anyhow, the point of that rather pointless comment is they they’ve both worked with Catherine Tate who is forever in my good book because of the love I have for Donna Noble.

Sadly because Rob has a terrible screencap, I had to be fair and use a terrible screencap for David in which the smoke almost washes him right out. But doesn't Catherine look happy? Here is another just as terrible cap of them looking dorky, but without Catherine Tate:

David obviously wins the vote here because of the awesome that was the Doctor and Donna. And because I haven't watched The Bad Mother's Handbook and don't know if Rob actually had any real scenes with Catherine.

Also, while looking for a cap of the two of them in that movie, I learned that Anne Reid, Steve Pemberton and Pip Torrens were also in the movie! (Okay, so it was only Anne Reid's name that I recognized, but the latter two played somewhat memorable characters!) This upsets me because I so want Rob to be on Doctor Who before David leaves. The reunion of Cedric and Barty Jr. would amuse me to no end and RTD owes me for the whiplash of emotions TL/TSE/JE gave me!

Score: Rob: 2 David: 2

Round 5: What if They Got Hit by A Truck Today?

No, I don’t want either one of them to get hit by a truck, but David has said that the first line of his obituary has been written thanks to Doctor Who. So, a photo of the role they’re most famous for at the moment:

Sorry Rob, but you didn't have a snowball's chance in hell in this category with me. (The fact that I couldn't bring myself to dig up another Twilight photo should tip you off as to why.)

Score: Rob: 2 David: 3

Round 6: I Can't Be Bothered to Think Up More Rounds, So Here Are Some Random Photos

And we end with some product shilling in which Rob sells clothes from Hackett's and David sells bottled water (for a good cause).

And the winner is? You! (If the commentary has not put you to sleep!) Because well, pretty pictures to look at! Who to vote for? You can always do what I did and go with a third party - Kiefer Sutherland! Because Jack Bauer is having yet another really bad day, I have fond memories of Stand By Me, and I kind of want to see him in the top five.

Pretties are snagged from,, &

actor: pattinson, actor: tennant, killing time: picspams

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