An article about casting for series five of Doctor Who. There had been much talk of a black Doctor Who, with actor Paterson Joseph among the favourites. Wenger disclosed: "We saw a dozen or so people, some of them black. There was never any resistance to the idea of a black Doctor and it would have got us all sorts of headlines and brownie points, but we set out to cast the best actor for the role irrespective of ethnicity or age, and that was Matt."
(bolds mine)
Yeeeeah. Because at any given point in time, there is only ONE actor for the job. Like how only Arthur could pull the sword from the stone!
Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!
And my GOD, more people need to download the most recent Confidential so I can get my share ratio high enough to put it on disc, make copies for Frank and Ann Marie (Christmas to Christmas - no reason not to when I couldn't mail it earlier anyway) and delete it. I want all the Christmas and Eleventh Doctor stuff off our computer. Because we just got a new computer for Christmas (WHOO FINALLY) and I don't want those files stuck on here while we make the switch.
*glares at uTorrent*
AND, to top off my morning, I stupidly left my most recent pair of $30 earbuds sitting out on the computer desk while I went to the bathroom, and Pigwidgeon chewed them into pulp before I got back. This is the FIRST time I've forgotten and left my headphones out since the time she chewed up the earbuds that came with my iPod a few weeks ago. I'm SO FUCKING PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW.
That fucking cat has seriously tasted my fury, i.e. the water squirter. UGH. Now I have to trudge out through the snow and pick up more headphones. DIE, CAT.